Dear Parishioners,

Greetings in the Lord and welcome to our parish family! We pray that you will respond to the Lord's invitation to get involved as a "laborer in the Lord's vineyard."

You will find many ministries in this parish dedicated to serving God and others. We are a stewardship parish, which means that we are all called and have a responsibility to share our time, talent, and treasure with one another and with the local and universal Church and community. Everyone can do something in regard to giving back, since all of our gifts and blessings, ultimately come from God. We pray you will get involved in the life of the parish so that we can be a vibrant faith community living in Christ and sharing the riches and the treasures of our Catholic faith.

We want to grow in the Lord and it will only happen if we allow the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, strengthen, and move us. We look forward to seeing you involved and working along-side you. We have a wonderful parish and we look forward to building it in Christ as we share our faith with each other and the rest of the world. God bless.

Download Our Ministry Handbook


Altar servers assist the priest and the deacon at Mass. Servers carry the cross and candles during the procession, hold the Sacramentary for the prayers, assist with setting and removing sacred vessels on and from the altar, and serve as role models for the congregation to follow during mass.

At St. Pius X, boys and girls from our parish (both from Jordan Catholic School and from CCD) are trained to serve after completion of 4th grade. We encourage high school students to continue to serve until high school graduation. Contact the Rectory for more information.

Altar Servers for Funeral Masses: Adult altar servers are needed for funeral masses. Please contact the rectory if interested in serving. 

Altar Servers Monthly Schedules:

View the February Altar Servers Schedule

The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve the parish by supplying ministers for Sunday and Holy Day Masses. Ministers are scheduled for a month each quarter. If you are interested in serving the parish in this ministry, please call Elizabeth Russel at (309) 793-7356, or email her.

Parishioners serve in welcoming ministries at Masses. If you wish to be a greeter, please contact the parish office (309) 793-7373.

Lectors proclaim the Word of the Lord at Mass, an honor and a privilege.  Anyone interested in participating in this ministry, contact the parish office, (309) 793-7373.

All high school students through 19 years of age are invited to join us twice a month on Sunday evenings from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. in Farrell Hall. We warmly welcome adult volunteers. No special skills are needed, only your time and caring! We have guest speakers, Eucharistic Adoration, and social activities which address the spiritual, social and educational needs of the youth in our parish and the greater community. 


Music is a great way to enhance our beautiful divine liturgy. If you have thought about being a cantor or singing in the choir, now is the time. You do not have to read music. Professional Steve Steely and Shelley Walljasper are both willing to work with you as you lead us in song. Please contact Steve Steely (

Coming Soon!